Suncook Valley Railroad ICC Valuation Survey Maps
These Interstate Commerce Commission Valuation Maps were produced in conjunction with the 1914 Valuation Survey. These versions are original issue without subsequent updates as were required by the railroad. I do have in my collection copies of the updated maps as well, but they have not been digitized. I also have additional updated & non-digitized maps depicting Valuation Sections 23.1 (Hooksett to Bow, via Suncook,) and portions of Sec 21 (at Hooksett and Concord only,) and Sec 25 (Concord & Manchester Electric Branch.)
Section 29- Suncook to Pittsfield
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10
Sheet 11
Sheet 12
Sheet 13
Sheet 14
Sheet 15
Sheet 16
Sheet 17
Sheet 18
Section 23.6- Pittsfield to Center Barnstead
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Section 23.1- Suncook Loop- Hooksett to Concord via Suncook
Unlike the other maps, the maps below are updated versions, showing the lease (1936) and eventual sale (1950) of the loop to the Suncook Valley railroad, as well as the abandonment of the Hooksett branch in 1943.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10
Posted 2/13/11 by Earl Tuson. Updated 1/30/16.